Have a Clear Vision

The path to wealth, abundance and financial freedom starts with having a clear direction of where you want to go and then creating goals to tick off on the way.

The old saying that “It is a journey, not a destination” starts with knowing what you value. Write down your high level (non tangible value list and compare it to your partner).

When you can have a clear vision of what you want, you can start to plan how to get there by reverse engineering the process.

Everyone has unbelievable dreams and values.. embrace your inner child and let him/her influence where you are going. As children we dream and think larger than life and possibilities are endless – It is only as adolescents and adults that we start to apply conditioning from society, environment, belief systems and influencers in our life that causes us to lose sight of our true needs and wants, and who we really are!

When you are crystal clear about your vision you will naturally find the energy and motivation with a change of mindset to execute on your new life, and start living on your own terms.


Calculate your Net worth

Add up the value of all your financial and non financial assets and minus your total liabilities.


Create a Budget

To start you on the FIRE journey I have created you a Free budget planner Google Docs

Simply enter your starting money and income after tax (net), total up all your expenditures over an average month and the spreadsheet with calculate the yearly figures.

Track your income and expenses for 30-90 days and remember to always Pay Yourself First!

The fastest way to boost your savings rate is to reduce your expenses.

To download your copy click here .

Understand Savings Rate

I have added in a calculation considering your current percentage savings rate with typical years until Retirement, familiarise yourself with these

  • Savings rate of 50% Retire in 17 years
  • Savings rate of 60% Retire in 12.5 years
  • Savings rate of 70% Retire in 8.5 years
  • Savings rate of 75% Retire in 7 years


How to Make Money & Saving Tips click here


Cut Big Expenses – Reduce your Bills

Dolphin Utilities is a hassle free bills switching service that is a free service to use. They will quickly help you find a better deal on your home bills such as; Electricity & Gas,
Landline & Broadband. They also work with business market too so let them know if you have a commercial premises also.

The fastest way to give yourself a pay rise is check if you entitled to a discount and save a large sum of money on your regular bills.

For a call back punch in your details and click here


Increase Your Income

If you are PAYE work out your worth in the industry and try and negotiate a pay rise at work.

Consider changing jobs and working at another company or a new career with more income.

Look at your tax situation and see how you can make it more efficient.

Outside of your day job or self employment hours, there is lots of time to build up your side hustle income to add to your army of euros.


Consider signing up to some of the online cash bonus offers from home.
I have put together a list of some easy ones I have tested out that pay to get started click here


Calculate your FI Number

Once you know your yearly expenses you can use the 4% rule!

For example 40,000 euro x 25 is your FI number.

This would mean an investment retirement portfolio value of  1,000,000 was necessay for someone with a yearly expense of 40k.
The concept is based around the idea that you can ‘safely’ draw down 4% from the portfolio for years to come with a low probability of running out of money
– deemed the ‘safe withdrawal rate’.

The 25x rule was first published in The Trinity study an influential 1998 paper by three professors of finance and is widely known the the FIRE community.

If you are basing your FI number on a property portfolio this is more to do with ‘cash flow’ that asset value. In this case the number of rental properties needed that will achieve the required cash flow is the usual calculation here with buffer built in to allow for tenant issues, loss of rental income, changed in rental trends.


Retirement Simulator

Start by using the FREE Retirement Simulator to stress test your FI number:

Retirement Simulator | FIRE Dave

Investment Options

There are different investment vehicles that you can use and a combination approach offers diversification.

When investing there are short term and long term strategies and the percentage return on investment is important along with fees and costs.

Such as (Pension, Stock Market, Cryptocurrency, Property, P2P Lending, Saving Products).



Want to start Investing in the Stock Market, Click here

Or have a read of my Quick Guide To DEGIRO | FIRE Dave

Expand your Knowledge

Start with an investment in yourself. The path to wealth and abundance is well trodden. Follow the breadcrumbs. Success leaves clues, also authors just tell you what they did through books.

Check out my list of  Books Worth Reading | FIRE Dave

Not a fan of reading a hard back book then listen to audio books as you drive, walk, run or whatever you are doing.

Here is a 30 day free trial with a free audio book credit so I hopefully I have removed any obstacle for you to get started..

For a list of handpicked offers click here

Unique F.I.R.E Interviews

Helping you achieve Financial Independence quicker by sharing Unique Interviews from the FIRE community!

Learn tactics, strategies and life lessons..


1. Who are you and how did you discover FIRE?
2. What was the backbone of your fire strategy?
3. What do you do now you are Financially Independence / Early Retired?
4. What are some books, podcasts or YouTube channels you recommend?

To read from over 60 unique worldwide FIRE interviews click here

Live Events

A central resource to help you reach Financial Independence and Retire Early through live events, interviews and news. Learn strategies, and tips relating to Financial Freedom in Ireland with a European context with overlap worldwide!


To view the upcoming events or watch back previous events click here


Frugality, Abundance & Value Mindset

Anyone who wants to get their savings rate up to 50-70% will need to adopt a frugal mindset and look for value in every spend.

This is very different to being cheap! Frugality looks at getting maximum value for money and making your euros work for you. You can have an abundance mindset and be as high earner and use the a high percentage of your income for investment pruposes cutting back in areas you do not get vaue. 

Once you have entered the cash flow numbers you can play with the values to see how to make this work for you. Becoming intentional about your spending is so important and asking the question “does this purchase or item bring me happiness”?

It is proven that buying experiences creates long lasting memories that do show improvement is actual levels of happiness over and over again, whenever the memory is recalled, much more than simply buying ”stuff”.

It is good practice at this stage to spend lavishly on the things you truly get value from and cut back without mercy on things you don’t value!

Check out what other members of the community are saying click here